?M4ufree? Full Movie The Deer Hunter

?M4ufree? Full Movie The Deer Hunter



country USA; actor Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken; Year 1978; score 298849 Votes; writers Quinn K. Redeker; Directed by Michael Cimino






Movie the deer hunter 1978.



Movie the deer hunter. Movie the deer hunter cast. Full Movie The Deer hunter 3. Full Movie The deer hunter. The deer hunter full movie free. The deer hunter full movie hd. Movie the deer hunter filming locations. Full movie deer hunter 1978. I saw The Deer Hunter at a young age, knowing that it had won all of those Oscars and that it had earned its place among the elite films of the 1970s. Going into it, you can tell that I thought it had a lot to live up to. Its reputation had become pretty big and I think that if it were any other film, it wouldn"t have worked. That"s right, I loved this movie.
It opens beautifully and simply with a wedding. We see and get to know each character through their conversations with the others and their reactions to everything that"s going on. That environment brings out the true emotions of these people and the movie really couldn"t have done it in a better way. It was a brilliant decision to start the film with something that would show us exactly what we"re getting into and what the filmmakers are setting us up for.
We are then led to the everyday lives of the characters. They"re steelworkers, hunters, husbands, and friends. They"re your friends. They"re the people YOU know, the people YOU love. The film goes so far in depth that it seems as if YOU are a character as well. You feel what they feel and you believe what they believe. You"re taken in by these average Americans and you live their lives.
Having just made so many friends while in Pennsylvania, you realize what the movie is about to do to you. You"re about to be taken on a journey into the "heart of darkness." With other war movies, you learn about each character as the battle rages on. That"s where this one is different. You already know who you"re fighting with and that you"re not alone.
That"s what makes this film so powerful. It builds everything up to the point that you know and love each character. you actually CARE about each character so that when something tragic happens, it"s the end of the world. No other movie has ever done that to me, whether it was before I saw this or after. No film had ever made me cry, literally bring tears to the eyes of a man. You know you"re dealing with something special when that happens.
I won"t go any further with this for fear that I might give too much away to those of you who haven"t seen it already. If you are one of those people, then I urge you to check this movie out. You might not be as moved as I was, but I"m sure the film will stay with you for a while. Even if you"re not a fan of war movies, this still works as its more of a human drama. The fact that only about one third of it is actually war may make you want to see it and please do. It"s movie-making at its best.

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7.9 / 10
Votes: 392